The Lustrum Committee proudly presents….
(due to the COVID-19 circumstances in a "slightly" altered version...)
Positive point: you can join for only €2,50 !
✨The Lustrum Symposium ✨
What should have been one of the biggest career events Storm has ever had can luckily still partly continue to happen! We are happy to host a wonderful morning programme for you in no other place than the Domkerk, in the middle of our beautiful city.
We start at 10:00, where you can first enjoy a warm coffee or tea. Thereafter, you can enjoy a panel discussion, covering the future of the polar regions. The panel consists of some names on the forefront of sustainability and experts of the Polar region. We are proudly presenting Kirsten Schuijt as our chair and Maarten van Loonen, Louise van Schaik and Peter Kuipers Munneke as our panel.
Kirsten Schuijt is CEO of the WWF in the Netherlands. She will be leading the discussion, and hopefully also shed some light on the topics from her own point of view from time to time.
Peter Kuipers Munneke is a polar meteorologist at the IMAU institute. But, you might know him better from the NOS, presenting our weather forecast or from the explanatory videos he makes for the NOS, for example during one of his polar expeditions.
Louise van Schaik is head of Global Affairs of the Clingendael Institute. Not a direct link to the polar region itself, but she certainly can tell us more about the effect of (green) growth on these regions.
Maarten Loonen, interim director of the Arctic Centre, is concerned with the effect of the changes in the polar areas on biodiversity. The poles are not lost yet, so there is much to talk about.
The university has granted all GSS, SD and WSM students that want to join the symposium an education free day. If you want to make use of this approved absence, you should email your course coordinator. For people following courses from different study programs/faculties, you can email your course coordinator about this as well, but unfortunately we cannot guarantee you that they will agree with this as well.
See you there!