Implemented suggestions

Below you can find the results of the Input Tab. All ideas that have been succesfully implemented in the association can be found in the table below. This shows that your input matters!

Completed ideas:

Suggested ideas

How are they implemented?

  • Make a list with completed ideas
  • On the website, under the Input tab, a new sub-tab was created with a table (this one!) showing all ideas that were used to improve the association.
  • Add a "last updated" date to the SAC points document
  • Added on the website
  • Hang the posters of events that have already taken place in a different location
  • At the entrance of the Storm room, the posters of events that take place in the future are hung, while on the big wall the posters are hung that have already taken place
  • Better (freshly ground) coffee
  • New second hand coffee machine was bought to replace the broken one, has the option to freshly grind beans
  • Wash the Storm flag
  • Washed
  • Write a ''Apologies, the segment below is in Dutch'' warning if segments of the weekly mail are fully Dutch.
  • Will keep doing that from now on. 

Below you can find the results of the Input Tab which are currently being worked on. This means that these are ideas that we are working on, or want to work on, but that take a longer time to finish.

Ideas in progress:

Suggested ideas

How are they being implemented?

Timeline update

Updating the last 3 years