Board 2003-2004


The 13th Board of Storm: 

Seline Meijer
Dorien Korbee
​Corinne Cornelisse

We started off as a four women strong Board (later on three) We had a focus on transforming the Stormroom from an office to a ‘gezellige’ place to chill in your spare hours. To promote this we offered free coffee/tea/gummy bears and toasties. 

There are many things that have made this year special, but one of the more memorable things of the year is the Crossing Borders trip to Poland! This is extra special, because it was the first time that we organised an international trip with Storm with our new committee: the Buitenlandreiscommissie (BC), Crossing Borders Committee. Before, the international trip was organised by the study itself, but because of the introduction of the bachelor-master structure they have taken it out (read: budget cuts). We as Storm found it a shame, so we took it upon ourselves to organise it ourselves! So, on the 9th of April 2004 we took the train to Poland with 30 students, headed to Krakow. We explored the city, spent many nights in bars, and had a very fancy lunch (with caviar!) at the university. We also explored southern Zakopane, where we stayed in a luxe villa with Polish cook who cooked delicious meals for us, thrice a day! We enjoyed the villa, the beautiful landscape and each other. We visited a salt mine and Aushwitz as well to finish off this memorable journey.

I am glad that we managed to make something this awesome in our board year, and am happy to hear that they organised another trip like this the following year, this time to the Chzech Republic. Keep up the good work!