Alumni Committee

Dear Stormers,

We are proud to present: the Alumni Committee of 2022/2023, the Alumninigolf! Let us introduce ourselves so you get an idea of who is in the committee. First off we have Tjeerd, our lovely chair who loves efficiency. He is the real alumnus of our group as he already finished GSS and is now working! Next up we have our secretary, Twan, also known as zomer winter lente Twan Fenten. Between working really hard at Karel V and taking home coffee cups he writes the longest most chaotic minutes you have ever seen. If anyone wants to take over this secretary, you will get 5 euros with it as compensation. The Treasurer of this amazing committee is Rik Kleijer, who wanted to be treasurer ever since he was born and started playing Catan. While we all encourage him to make the budgets in Paint, he stupidly insists on making them in Excel. Then we have our amazing commissioner of promotion, Manou, who has been after doing the promotion all year last year, and doing it again this year, we hope she is now the goat in this. This is of course one of the most important roles in the committee as otherwise nobody would come to our events. As we are called the aluminigolf, this means that we are doing a minigolf competition, and who better to put in charge of that than Samuel, also known as Saamp? As he is currently doing many hard courses on complex systems the competition rules should be a piece of cake to make. This was sadly not the case, apparently that is a complex system as well, which needed many discussions. Next up we have Meike, the commissioner of bonding. In meeting 3 we were wondering which bonding she was actually going to organize as Samuel is already doing all of the minigolf, but she says that she has it all under control. Then we have Nika, from whom we hear a lot of stories about her life, especially her dating life. To make this into a useful part of the committee we have decided to make her commistandje, you can figure out yourself what that means. Last, but definitely late we have Erwin, also known as Erloose, the board representative. As the board representative you are supposed to be a role model in the committee to show everybody how to act and to make sure that things go according to plan, together with the chair ofcourse. Erloose is not the best person for this, as he has been late many times, however his Brabantse gezelligheid makes up for it.

If you have any questions about alumni events or wondering who is on top in the minigolf competition, don’t hesitate to contact us at!

XXXI The Aluminigolf