Hey prospective student! 

Welcome to Storm's website. As you might know by now, we are the study association for the environmental sciences programmes at Utrecht University. Our Master Committee 'The Master Disasters' has put together a fun week for you where next to going to your first lectures, there is a lot to do to give your new life here a head start! Your first week of university will be from September 2-6th. During this time, we host several social activities in the city and on campus. You can find a detailed schedule on the student site (SUSDWSM). Next to this, you have the chance to join our Master introduction weekend from September 13-15th. We will travel to an accommodation in the Dutch countryside where you get the chance to meet your fellow students in a relaxed environment where we also have several fun activities lined up for you. More information about the exact planning on the weekend will follow when we see you on Monday September 2nd, but mark your calendars! 

Curious to see what the introduction week and weekend looked like in the past? Here are some pictures to give you an impression:


As mentioned before, this week is organised by Storm's Master Committee. This is one of Storm's over 20 active committees and organises not just the introduction week and weekend for new students, but als several activities throughout the year for current students! A murder mistery, ice skating, canoeing on Utrecht's canals, you name it! Coming year, you can also join this committee and contribute to the fun environment we have within Storm and the master programmes themselves! Below you can see some pictures of the events that were organised in the past: 


Hopefully this all leaves you excited for your own introduction week and for Storm in general! We look forward to meeting you on September 2nd, and are more than happy to answer any questions about Storm, university or the introduction week. You can reach us on the following email addresses:

Questions about
Questions about
Questions about the introduction

Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Kind regards,

Master Disasters, the Master Committee

Master Committee 2023/2024.jpeg