Study Active Certificate
The Study Active Certificate is an official certificate that active members of a study association from the Geosciences faculty can earn. The certificate shows that a student has been actively involved in extracurricular activities within Utrecht University besides their study. These activities are not a part of the study but are an addition to the programme that is offered by the university. Examples of such activities are attendance at education and career-related activities, being part of a committee, or having a function within the university, like the faculty council.
A point system is used to keep track of the activities of students. After a minimum amount of points has been earned the SAC will be handed out together with the bachelor or master diploma. A member of the board of Storm, as well as, someone from the Utrecht University Department of Geosciences will sign the SAC. To obtain the certificate a minimum amount of points has to be earned in three categories: committees, education-related activities, and career-related activities. The amount of points that need to be earned for committees is 6; 10 points have to be earned for education-related activities; and 10 points have to be earned for career-related activities. This brings the minimal total of earned points needed to obtain the certificate to 26.
You can find the division Storm uses in the file on the right side of this page!
Last updated: 30/08/2024
Storm Point Division
File name | File size |
Storm_SAC_Point_Division_23_24.pdf | 113.9 kB |